Tuesday, February 08, 2005


I had a look at the new suggested mortgage last night, and it seems hat Mr. Clipped wasn't listening too well to my side of yesterday's conversation.

The suggested mortgage is the discounted rate option, no thanks!

I have just been on the phone to Mr. Clipped, and he assumed that I wanted the slightly cheaper option. However since I'm expecting economic collapse of the Western Hemisphere* I want the fixed mortgage option. He is revising the offer!

* Well not really full economic collapse, but I am expecting the US Dollar to collapse some, when the US deficit becomes unsustainable. And for that to have a knock on impact on interest rates in the UK, which would make a discounted rate more expensive than a fixed rate once base rate rises. By the way I am not a financial analyst, don't go shorting USD on the basis of my posts!


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