Wednesday, January 19, 2005


I have been told that buying a house is one of the most stressful things a person can do. I was thinking that this was a load of old guff until today. Yeah the process has not been particularly pleasant, and frankly the vendor has been an absolute arse since day one, but this process has not been particularly arduous to date. This has been a conscious effort on my part, I didn't fall in love with the place, so I'm not going to be fucked over to get it, but none the less I have made a lot of effort, and I would like to move in soon!

Less preamble. More update...

Today I got a phone call from Money Man (estate agent/bad cop), boy am I pissed off.

It would appear that when the vendor said they were taking the house off the market in response to my offer subject to survey, what they actually did, was no such fucking thing (or so they claim).

Out of the blue that have told the estate agency that they have another fucking offer on the property via another estate agency that was originally in the race, and they want to know my maximum bid.

There are two things to note here:
  1. What kind of fucktard actually answers this kind of question, I mean seriously how green do they think I am? Who would actually be that shit at negotiation?
  2. This has come the day before we are due to exchange contracts.
Frankly, I think this is a wind up in order to raise the bar at the last second. Let's face it, another offer... Has the offer other been made subject to survey? Has the other offer had the survey done? Has the other offer had the structural engineers report done?

So I'm seriously meant to just raise my offer against totally unknown odds? Someone has offered full asking price and doesn't yet know about the structural work that needs doing?


These bastards are utter fucking cowboys.

This is too close to the finish line to be anything other than a fucking wind up to get more money out of me, there is no way they have sat on another offer for so long, just to drop it on me at the eleventh hour. And the likelihood of a coincidental offer arriving the day before we are set to exchange contracts...? I think not.

Its only the fact that I have spent nearly £1000 on all these surveys, that is stopping me getting on the phone to Money Man and asking him to convey the following message, "GO FUCK YOURSELVES ROYALLY".


Well as I was typing this up, I have just had a call from Money Man, seems they are laying on the pressure, they want an answer now, so I gave him one, and I quote, "Not a fucking penny more that I have already offered", I also asked him to pass on that message word for word to the vendor. Then I patiently explained I would be setting my solicitor on them to tear them a new arse if they didn't keep to their word, we did after all agree a sale.

Now to sit back and wait.

I would far rather lose this property, than have to sit in it every day knowing that I had been utterly shafted by such fucking low-life shits!


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