Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Structural engineer's final report arrives, negotiation ensues...

Well the final report has arrived, and the numbers are worse than I feared yesterday, the engineer failed to mention that he was quoting guestimates without tax! So the final figure looks to be nearer £12-12.5K when including contingency funds and tax.

So I got in touch with Rapport, and let him know the details, well not the details, the bottom line. I need to know the vendor is going to foot that bill, by reducing the cost of the property accordingly.

This is before I find out how much is it going to cost to replace the windows and do the other required jobs.

£12.5K + 3K for windows (guess) + 3K for the en-suite shower room (guess), rounded up we are looking at 20(ish)K when we take into account the other smaller odds and ends!

The point is though, that I have made a commitment to the property, the vendor would be a fool not to take the deal on offer, the market is falling and any other person to put an offer in will have to pay a couple of K to pay for the same reports I have paid for, then their offer will be reduced accordingly.

The guy dealing with this property at the vendor is on holiday now, so I have agreed to think about it and we'll continue in the new year now.

Rapport also mentioned that he had been talking to my solicitor, and she is right on target, ready to exchange in the fifth if we agree a price in the fourth of Jan!

I could be in there by my birthday in Feb, COOL!


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