Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Structural Engineer

Well the structural engineer dropped by the house today, and called me later to give me a quick verbal précis of the final report.

Long story short, we are looking at £6-8000 to fix the problem, and the job should be done over the next two years, and is going to take about 3 weeks to complete. Assuming we need to factor in 20% as a contingency fund for the job, we are talking upto 10K!

However, he has most certainly indicated that the house is mortgageable, so that is cool, no further problems getting the mortgage sorted, all the other stuff in the original home buyer's survey was non-"deal breaker" stuff.

On the upside, half the bill should be footed by the house that shares the wall (it does lean over their roof after all!), and of the remaining half, some will be attributable to the other leaseholder. (Did I mention this the other day?) According to the engineer, there is a law that governs this kind of stuff, there is in fact a 1984 Parapet Wall Act!

I'll be getting a typed up copy of the report though the post over the next few days and an electronic copy in my e-mail inbox tomorrow. I'm looking forward to this tomorrow when I get to see the details.

I'm too anal for my own good, I always need the hard facts! :)

Until tomorrow then...


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