Monday, January 24, 2005

Planning - Stage one

Being the inherently anal chap that I am, I now find myself in a position of needing to know the process that I must follow to move house...

So obviously, I have been scouring the Intarweb for nuggets of informational goodness that I might mine for information to help me with the moving process. I have found some great stuff here and here.

So I have printed out some checklists of things to do. These will stay with me everywhere I go, I may even transfer them to my phone/PDA if I get the time.

I have also started to compile a checklist of people to inform, the usual things: Accountant, bank, credit cards, TV licensing, gas, electricity, phone, mobile phone, blood donor service and so on. So far there are about 50 entries on it, who would have thought so many people or organisations needed to know where I am!

Of course I have already cocked up... I forgot to bring my company cheque book to work today, so I'll have to write a cheque to myself tomorrow, meaning the money will arrive on Thursday. I'm going to have to organize a costly transfer anyway, so nothing new there. The money has to be with my solicitor for Friday start of day.

Oh and on another note, the cash movement can be staged, I need only provide the deposit for the house now, so that gives me a little breathing space. Good news indeed. I only need to provide £21,500 by Friday, not the full £33,000, as the Stamp Duty and solicitors fees are not required until then.


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