Thursday, December 02, 2004

Forms forms forms

Today I filled out the mortgage application form, the forms the solicitor required and the wrote the cheques everyone wanted.

Good grief, I have never collected so many bits of paper together, nor have I filled out such long forms in all my life.

It took about six hours and about ten phone calls to get all the information together in the end.

It's all enveloped up and ready to go, all I need now is confirmation I have a job, then I can actually post this lot off to the relevant people.

One problem is that they all want the same ID to prove I'm not money laundering, so I'll have to arrange for them to post it on to each other! How complex is that?

I had an employment agent call me up with a job he thought I was ideal for... He was so convinced in fact that he even suggested he give me a contract so I can get the mortgage underway... Problem is if I don't get a job, the house will be repossesed immediately, bad idea. Anyway he said he would get back to me later in the day, and didn't so he may have had a word with their legal department and they warned him off. Who knows, he may call back soon.


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