Monday, November 29, 2004

Offer accepted!

They've taken the bait! :)

The offer has been accepted at £340K, the place is off the market, and they have applied only one stipulation, exchange of contracts must be completed within 28 days...

As advised by Rapport, they know that Christmas is coming, and what they really mean is they want to see a survey being done in double quick time, to prove my seriousness of intent.

The vendor (or the vendor's intermediary, what will I call them... er... the Wholesalers, that's what they are) has all the documents and the supporting materials ready to go, so their side should be reasonably rapid.

Unfortunately for me it does cause a couple of problems. First of all I just wanted to put down a 5% deposit, but the mortgage lender wants audited accounts for the last three years, it would take a couple of weeks to get my accountant off his arse to do that, so no joy on the whole 28 days thing.

This means that I am going to have to go with an alternate lender who lends upon the basis of my contract rate, not on certified accounts, and that means a 10% deposit, bah humbug. It is going to be hard to get that money together at short notice.

Anyway, needs must when the devil drives (or the Wholesaler in this case).

I have instructed my solicitor, and I am awaiting the documents for the mortgage to come through. I've passed on all the details of the various parties to those that need to know, all I have to do now, is get the money moving in the right direction, and to get this job in my interview this afternoon!

Smile on full beam, time to start psyching myself up!


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