Tuesday, February 22, 2005

More Ikea (yes I still hate them) and more construction.

I left work early today (naughty me, I didn't get in until late either, I'll make up by working late tomorrow) and headed straight home. I got changed and took some Chinese food over to the new place for Sandy and I to eat. The poor dear has been at the house with only the Ikea biscuits/chocolate that I bought yesterday to eat.

I forgot that the BT engineer was coming to install the telephone line this morning, so when he called to let me know he was waiting at the front door, I had to call Sandy and tell her to quick-step on over there to let him in. Hence, she and Jenny had been in the house all day with nothing in the way of sustenance, but for sugary/fatty bad naughty naughty foods to eat.

By the time I got there, Jenny was long gone, she finished the gloss work that had to be done, and then got the train home.

Before we got to eat, Sandy showed me Angel's room, in its finished form, it is like a Disney Princesses set piece, Sandy and Jenny have done an absolutely stunning job. I know Angel is going to love that room (well until she is 10 and outgrows the whole Disney Princesses thing.)

As soon as we had finished eating, Sandy and I headed straight off to... (yes, you guessed it!) Ikea. We needed to take the broken stuff back for replacement, and because Ikea mattresses are not quite standard sizes (well as far as I can tell they aren't, please tell me if I'm wrong) we needed to go there to get the mattress protectors anyway. We also picked up a number of little items that had been forgotten while Jenny and I were concentrating on the big items on Friday night. While we were there Sandy picked out a whole host of plants and various things to put them in, seems like she is starting to add a feminine touch to the place, my bachelor pad, is becoming a less bachelorised place!

We got the whole shebang back to the new place (Now dubbed 'Chez C', the old place being monikered as 'Base Camp One', and Sandy finished painting the guest/Murray's room (AKA 'The blue room'), while I constructed things.

I forgot to finish the shower off, so that will have to wait until tomorrow. However I did finish construction of Angel's bed, several cabinets and a heavy duty clothes rail. I also assembled a number of floor standing lamps and other little gizmos.

In other news, the plumber turned up and managed to get the boiler started, but it is not warming the whole of the house, he seems to think that the pump in the boiler needs replacement. He also thinks there is a dodgy joint on the outlet for the en suite toilet, that needs to be fixed up. Oh and the dodgy tap in the kitchen, needs a replacement part, but that part is probably not available, so a replacement tap will be in order. I can feel that the bill for the plumber is not going to be cheap.

I also got calls confirming that the washing machine and the tumble dryer will be delivered and installed on Wednesday, and that the dish washer will be delivered on Thursday.

This means that Wednesday will see the delivery of the huge American type fridge freezer (with cold water and ice maker obviously), the washing machine, and the tumble dryer. And the electrician arriving to sort out all the various other problems. (I want some of the low-power spot lights in the bedroom changed to high power ones so that I can use a dimmer switch. I mean for Christ's sake, who wants blinding harsh light in a bedroom?)


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